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About Avi

the photography gave me the passion of knowing how the moment can be read and in the same instant, eternalised forever...
I come from the world of graphic design; however photography was in my family history. My father was a keen casual photographer and I grew up admiring his work. The concept of photography therefore has been a part of my life from an early age.
As my life moved on, technology did also –the development of digital photography allowed me to make pictures rather than spend the time waiting in agony for the developing of the photos in the local Chemist.
This simple timesaving improvement converted the passion of knowing what happens in any determined moment in my surroundings, to how the same moment can be read and in the same instant, eternalised forever.
My understanding and growing interest has been nurtured by reading about the great icons of photography and their thinking behind their pictures: Roberto Capa, Ansel Adams, Cartier-Bresson, Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Sebastião Salgado, Steve McCurry and Annie Leibovitz.
Being a college photography student has been a new experience widening my understanding technically and creatively.
In my pictures I want to show my skills in understanding what a picture can show, and to learn about people –not to just let the moments in life pass by.
Avilio Méndez-Delgado, Paisley, Scotland, GB.
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